Wednesday, July 25, 2012



...for makeup workouts.  yesterday when my tkb class was cancelled, i came home and did... nothing productive.  and after flaking on yoga this morning, i busted out this workout i had bookmarked (and newly pinned) from awhile ago.  minimal equipment, flexible (i subbed tricep skull crushers for the dips so i could use dumbbells) and ultimate reminder that no one looks cool doing a burpee.  no one.

Friday, July 20, 2012

ho hey it's friday!

..for this song that i am absolutely obsessed with lately.  i took the long way home from errands today just so i could 'ho hey' with extra enthusiasm.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

d i yeah.

...for my first post wedding diy.  thanks to pinterest and this awesome tutorial, our engagement/ shower/ wedding cards will not be spending eternity in a shoebox in the office.  now all that mushiness is organized and ready to be relived each anniversary <3.

Friday, July 13, 2012


...for those groupon getaway emails that allow me to fantasize about our return trip to jamaica.  best part of our honeymoon, not the least bc i got my barter on for this little canvas.  it's not excessive to go twice in one year, right? 

bee-utiful read

...for books on cd.  i was skeptical when the jacket for this one said it was even better heard than read.  i stand corrected.  the secret life of bees is so great (and so not really about bees) that i find myself in the driveway taking an excessively long time getting out of the car.  i suppose i should be thankful for jury duty the last two weeks and the built in listening time each day.  but then, no one should be thankful for jury duty.