Saturday, August 25, 2012

seriously sorted scarves

clearly this leaves room to buy new ones

...for sanity saving organization.  moving last weekend underscored my complete closet chaos (and love for alliteration) when it comes to scarves.  thanks to ikea, they are not stuffed into random drawers anymore.  i'm so ready for fall. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

gnomio 'o gnomio

...that gnomie seems to be the only casualty from our move this weekend.  there might be some other surprises lurking in several as-yet-unpacked boxes, but we survived in spite of the ridiculous heat wave that has been happening since what feels like forever.  we're renting this new house until we die, mostly because the idea of moving again in the near future sounds as appealing as jamming a fork in my eye.

Monday, August 6, 2012


...for well loved books.  my bookclub this month read man's search for meaning, and i was surprised to find my copy underlined and marginalia'd (it's a word?).  don't get me wrong, the goody two shoes in me would never ever mark up a library book.  i have trouble writing in/ underlining books i outright own.  but something in me loves to see what someone else found important or inspiring.  it adds another layer to reading. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

yogi bear

...that when life gets stressful {like this week} and things {and people} seem out of my control, i can always count on sunday morning yoga to relax, destress and calm the eff down.